Ne kujdesemi për ju dhe familjen tuaj!



Are You looking for an improvement of your smile, change of shape or color, a different level, avant-garde!?
Then Veneers are a solution to your needs!
Happy Smile, Happy You

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are the best alternative for long term replacement of missing tooth, offering ideal commodity, functionally and esthetically!


Braces, introduce a perfect solution in order to solve problems of alignment of tooth on a jaw and relation between jaws!
Slight corrections could be solved also with transparent splints, as alternative to braces!

Radiological analysis

In order to increase performance, radiological dental analysis is required, as retroalveolar x-ray, OPG, or 3D ct-cb.

Conscious sedation (laughing gas)

No fear anymore of dental treatments for all Anxious patients and those with dental phobia, regarding to use of advanced methods of conscious sedation!

Teeth Whitening/Bleaching

The most conservative method, if there is a need for brighter teeth!

Facial fillers

Ever thinking of slight changes of facial contours, as your lips, eyelids, cheeks, naso-labial sulcus… then feel free to consult our experts!


Preventing with Periodic Check-ups is a genuine and non-annoying routine for the patient, from the ages of early childhood and through the life span!

What we do


Dental clinic in numbers

Some Statistics
0% Kualiteti
0 Pacientët në një vit
0 Njerëzit që punojnë
0 Përvoja e punës
0 Buzëqeshje te lumtura

Meet our doctors

The Team of Professionals
